Ilya Vasilyev

UI designer and UX specialist focused on making complex web app simple and accessible.

Also frontend developer, specialized in Vue.js, visualization, animation, and interactivity, with entrepreneurial experience and motion design skills.

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Design FigmaPhotoshopAfterEffectsMiroLanguages JavaScriptTypeScriptFrontend VueVuexAxiosGraphQLTailwindAnimation GSAPAnime.jsSVGCSS animationsVisualization SVGD3Billboard.jsBackend Node.jsExpressFeathers.jsStrapiTesting CypressStorybookJestDevOps GitWebpackDockerNetlify


Creatomus Solutions
UI/UX designer

2019 — present

An interactive house configurator startup, that grew up from the winning of Garage48 GreenTech hackathon in Tallinn

  • visual and interaction design of special marketing tools
  • UX research and UI redesign for the main product

frontend developerUI/UX designer

2019 — present

Finnish startup exploring mass communication solutions for events organizers, content creators and influencers

  • developed frontend parts of new services from Figma mockups to integration tests
  • built and implemented common style guides
  • graphic design and motion design for marketing

frontend developer


Mid-size news media company, oldest Russian newspaper, one of few state-independent media

  • rebuilt old HBR Russia site with Vue, using SSR
  • made a series of special partnership projects, also with Vue
  • maintained frontend part of multiple legacy apps, made mostly with Ruby, Rails, SLIM templates, CoffeeScript, AngularJS, and SASS (someone really hates braces)
  • tried to help management with implementing Agile within the conservative and hierarchical organization

frontend developerUI/UX designer

2014 — 2019 (part-time)

A communication startup for events (networking, polls, Q&A, PR)

  • set up git and trained the team to use it
  • managed integration of machine learning
  • designed initial UI and UX
  • built custom CSS framework for internal use
  • redesigned and redefined admin panel
  • performed a lot of groundwork on events



Another startup — an attempt to explore the idea of dynamic visualizations of financial models, this time with focus on real-word application and customers

  • iteratively crafted marketing kit
  • tried outbound sales to improve sales pitches
  • tried to find product market fit

Creatomus Solutions
UI/UX designerfrontend developer


An interactive house configurator startup, that grew up from the winning of Garage48 GreenTech hackathon in Tallinn

  • participated in the hackathon for the first time ever
  • joined the team of architects as a designer
  • built the frontend part of the prototype
  • we won the hackathon

2014 — 2016

First startup idea — to use interactive infographics for better risk management, predictive analysis and decision making

  • authored and designed all visual part of the idea
  • learned JS to turn the idea into interactive prototype
  • learned fin analysis and statistics to implement probability analysis in financial modeling, all on the client side with real-time response to user input
  • met with client's analysts and decision makers to provide custom tailored visualizations
  • presented the product to new customers

Fluffy Move Studio
directoreditormotion designerVFX artistsound engineercomposermanager

2013 — 2019 (part-time)

Small family studio, started as an experimental animation lab, now creates custom video content

  • produced a series of cartoons for children show including six short films and two full-length animated backgrounds in After Effects
  • built animation production workflow
  • hired and managed animators and motion designers
  • produced web animation experiments
  • prototyped interactive comics and books